Sunday, April 22, 2007

In Peter's "good shadow'

L'OSSERVATORE ROMANO Weekly edition in english 18 April 2007

         On the Second Sunday of Easter, 15 April, also known as Sunday "in Albis" and Divine Mercy Sunday, the Holy Father presided at a concelebrated Holy Mass in St Peter's Square. The celebration was also a Mass of Thanksgiving in remembrance of the Pope's 80th Birthday, 16 April. The following is a translation of the Pontiff's Homily, which was delivered in Italian.

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

          This Sunday is called "in Albis", in accordance with an old tradition. On this day, neophytes of the Easter Vigil were still wearing their white garment, the symbol of the light which the Lord gave them in Baptism. Later, they would take off the white garment but would have to introduce into their daily lives the new brightness communicated to them.
They were to diligently keep alight the delicate flame of truth and good which the Lord had kindled within them, in order to bring to this world a gleam of God's splendour and goodness.

           The Holy Father, John Paul II, wanted this Sunday to be celebrated as the Feast of Divine Mercy:  in the word "mercy", he summed up and interpreted anew for our time the whole mystery of Redemption. He had lived under two dictatorial regimes, and in his contact with poverty, neediness and violence he had a profound experience of the powers of darkness which also threaten the world of our time.

            But he had an equally strong experience of the presence of God who opposed all these forces with his power, which is totally different and divine:  with the power of mercy. It is mercy that puts an end to evil. In it is expressed God's special nature - his holiness, the power of truth and love.

            Two years ago now, after the First Vespers of this Feast, John Paul II ended his earthly life. In dying, he entered the light of Divine Mercy, of which, beyond death and starting from God, he now speaks to us in a new way.    (contd.)

L'Osservatore Romano

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